Strong ankle Perform these exercises

You may through the performance of some distinctive exercises to strengthen the greatness of the ankle, which helps in the performance of a number of other exercises for legs

The greatness of the ankle, which is the end of the tibia and the ends of the two bones of the leg together and form the ankle joint. Surrounded by greatness number of ligaments that connect the bones together, to achieve stability and ankle support, it is also with the help of the muscles and tendons together to help move the ankle

These are some exercises to strengthen the ankle
1) Place the ankle on the floor and lift your foot comb, and then climb and landing metatarsal, with the implementation of frequency for 10 times, then unlike the ankle with the instep mode, and repeat the exercise 10 times

2) move back and forth and the two sides and make an external circuit, with the balance board exercises are made more than once a day, and then training on the job begins to walk the graceful movements and then a run

3) exercises wrapped toes with minute things pick up, then place the foot on things with winding toes to move the body side of things, and this exercise can be used at home or at work

4) Lift the toes after walking on foot or walking on the fingers

5) Increase the body on your toes and move forward or backward on the toes and heel


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